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Handstand (Shirshasana) – yogababu

Yoga details

Handstand (Shirshasana)

Muscle System : Lower body uplifted

Level of Difficulty : L

Timing : Morning

Accessories needed : Yoga mat

Benefits :

1) Increase blood circulation in brain and improve brain function and memory.
2) Cure Insomnia
3). Improves Digestion
4) Those suffering from liver disease, headache, poor blood circulation, this asana is very beneficial.
5) Cures spine problems.
6) Improves concentration.
7) Relaxes mind
8) Help to improve mental balance.
9) Good for increasing memory.

Overview :

Steps to Perform :

Step 1:

Sit on knees like Vajrasana position and interlock the fingers of both hands and place them in front on the yoga mat.

Step 2:

Slowly place your head in to the hollow of  palms.

Step 3:

Slowly lift your both legs towards upwards and keep it straight. You can take help of the wall or your friend while practicing this position.

Step 4:

The body should be in a straight line from down to up.

Step 5:

Breathe normally in this position for 15 to 20 seconds or more than that if you can.

Step 6:

Now slowly release pose to come to starting position by lower down your legs (Bending in Knees)one by one.

Step 7:

Repeat this for 3-4 cycles.

Step 8:

You can practice it for 1 minute to a maximum of 5 minutes in the beginning. After good practice you can increase duration. It really all depends on your level.


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