Yoga details

Full boat pose (Navasana)

Muscle System : Buttocks

Level of Difficulty : L

Timing : Morning

Accessories needed : Yoga mat

Benefits : Paripurna Navasana is said to relieve stress, improve digestion and aid the lower abdominal organs: kidney, intestines, and prostate for men. It can also stimulate the thyroid. Ardha Navasana works on the upper abdominal organs: pancreas, gall bladder, spleen and liver.

Overview :

Steps to Perform :

Step 1

Rest on the floor.

Step 2

Raise both leg and head simultaneously.

Step 3

Your back should be keep half feet distance from floor.

Step 4

Your eyes should look on your feet thumbs.

Step 5

Breathing should be normal.

Step 6

Keep this position 15 to 20 seconds. Later if you can gradually increase up to one minute.


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