Muscle System : Hands
Level of Difficulty : L
Timing : Morning
Accessories needed : Yoga mat, small wood log
Benefits :
Stretching and sculpting of your belly. Enhancement your digestive processes and metabolism. Definition, openness and flexibility of your shoulders and armpits. Reduction of stress, anxiety and tension.
Overview :
This Sanskrit phrase can be understood as “urdhva,” meaning raised, and “hasta,” meaning hand. This “raised hand” pose is a simple, standing yoga asana with both of the hands raised.
From standing, bring the balls of the feet to touch, leaving a narrow space between your heels. Ground down through the four corners of each foot. Lift and spread
Neutralize your pelvis by anchoring the tailbone toward your heels and moving the tops of the Buttocks down. This helps prevent an exaggerated curve in the lumbar spine and keeps the lower front ribs from splaying out, which can interfere with maintaining a strong line of extension in both Upward Salute and Handstand.
Inhale your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor. Exhale to externally rotate from the top of the humerus bones, where the arms insert into your shoulders. Draw the bottom tips of your shoulder blades toward your spine, widen your collarbones, and broaden your chest.
On an inhalation, raise your arms alongside your ears. On an exhalation, root down through your feet.
Inhale to lengthen the sides of your waist even more and reach up through the crown of the head. Exhale to firm your arms closer to your ears and midline. Make sure your lower ribs are not splaying out. Keep your gaze at the horizon, your chin level, and your throat soft and open. Hold here for 8 breaths before exhaling the arms down.
Muscle System :upper back,hands
Level of Difficulty : M
Timing : morning
Accessories needed : yoga mat
Muscle System :Hands
Level of Difficulty : L
Timing : Morning
Accessories needed : Yoga mat, small wood log
Muscle System :Buttocks
Level of Difficulty : L
Timing : Morning
Accessories needed : Yoga mat
Muscle System :Two palms
Level of Difficulty : L
Timing : Morning & Evening
Accessories needed : Yoga mat
Muscle System :Upper back, hands
Level of Difficulty : M
Timing : morning
Accessories needed : yoga mat
Muscle System :legs and Buttocks
Level of Difficulty : L
Timing : Morning
Accessories needed : Yoga mat
Muscle System :Legs, Buttocks and hands
Level of Difficulty : H
Timing : Morning
Accessories needed : Yoga mat
Muscle System :Toes and palms
Level of Difficulty : H
Timing : Morning
Accessories needed : Yoga mat