Yoga details

niyama (rules of conduct)

Muscle System : hands,legs,neck

Level of Difficulty : M

Timing : morning

Accessories needed : yoga mat and props

Benefits : The exercise of Niyama helps us sustain a beneficial atmosphere and gives us the self-discipline and inner-strength necessary to improvement along the direction of yoga. 

Overview :

Ashtanga yoga is a system of yoga transmitted to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009)

Steps to Perform :


Niyama is the second stage of the spiritual path as outlined by the ancient sage Patanjali in his yoga sutras.


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Muscle System :Legs, Buttocks and hands

Level of Difficulty : H

Timing : Morning

Accessories needed : Yoga mat

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Muscle System :Hands, neck, upper back

Level of Difficulty : M

Timing : morning

Accessories needed : yoga mat

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Muscle System :Shoulders

Level of Difficulty : M

Timing : Morning

Accessories needed : Yoga mat

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Muscle System :upper back,hands

Level of Difficulty : M

Timing : morning

Accessories needed : yoga mat

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Muscle System :Lower body uplifted

Level of Difficulty : L

Timing : Morning

Accessories needed : Yoga mat

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Muscle System :Toes and palms

Level of Difficulty : H

Timing : Morning

Accessories needed : Yoga mat

niyama (rules of conduct)

Muscle System :hands,legs,neck

Level of Difficulty : M

Timing : morning

Accessories needed : yoga mat and props

Child pose (Balasana)

Muscle System :Forehead, legs and toes

Level of Difficulty : L

Timing : Morning

Accessories needed : yoga mat