Muscle System : legs and Buttocks
Level of Difficulty : L
Timing : Morning
Accessories needed : Yoga mat
Benefits :
" • calms your mind.
• Enhance your condition of peacefulness and serenity.
• Kick out anxiety, stress and mental tiredness.
• It helps in improving body posture.
• It opens your hips.
Overview :
Sukha, meaning “pleasure” or “comfort,” and asana, meaning “pose.”
Take one or two thick blankets and fold them so that they form a firm, flat base that you can sit on
Sit close to one edge of the support you formed, with your legs stretched out ahead, in front of you.
Cross your shins and widen your knees, so that you can slip each foot, beneath the opposite knee.
Bend your knees and fold your legs towards your torso
Keep your feet relaxed, so that the outer edges rest on the floor and the inner arches are settled below the opposite shin. Your thighs and crossed shins should form a small triangle. There should be a gap between your pelvis and feet.
Sit with your pelvis in a neutral position. To do this, press your hands against the floor and lift your sitting bones a bit. Try to hang in there for a breath or two and then slowly lower yourself back on to the floor.
Balance your tail bone and pubic bone in such a way that they are equidistant from the ground.
Place your hands on your knees, palm down and lengthen your tailbone towards the floor.
Muscle System :Head, shoulder, and hands
Level of Difficulty : M
Timing : Morning
Accessories needed : Yoga mat
Muscle System :M
Level of Difficulty :
Timing : Evening
Accessories needed : Yoga mat
Muscle System :hands,legs,neck
Level of Difficulty : M
Timing : morning
Accessories needed : yoga mat and props
Muscle System :legs and Buttocks
Level of Difficulty : L
Timing : Morning
Accessories needed : Yoga mat
Muscle System :
Level of Difficulty : M
Timing : morning
Accessories needed : yoga mat
Muscle System :legs and back
Level of Difficulty : H
Timing : morning
Accessories needed : yoga mat
Muscle System :Forehead, legs and toes
Level of Difficulty : L
Timing : Morning
Accessories needed : yoga mat
Muscle System :hands,neck,upper back
Level of Difficulty : M
Timing : morning
Accessories needed : yoga mat