Yoga details

Yama (control)

Muscle System : muscles and organs

Level of Difficulty : M

Timing : morning

Accessories needed : yoga mat and props

Benefits : The benefits may be grouped into four categories: physical, emotional, mental and intellectual benefits. The physical benefits consist of making the body free of disease, making it light and strong so that it can be a suitable vehicle on the path to freedom. Through yoga the body is made to absorb and retain prana, which extends the life span.

Overview :

“Ashtanga Yoga (literally “eight-limbed yoga” (1)) is a system developed by the ancient yogic sage Patanjali oulined in his yoga sutras.
A type of yoga based on eight principles and consisting of a series of poses executed in swift succession, combined with deep, controlled breathing.”

Steps to Perform :


Yama is the first stage of the spiritual path as outlined by the ancient sage Patanjali in his yoga sutras. Yama is also sometimes called “the five restraints”, because it lists the “do nots” of the spiritual path, such as “do not lie” and “do not covet”.


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Accessories needed : Yoga mat

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Muscle System :

Level of Difficulty : M

Timing : morning

Accessories needed : yoga mat

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